Versi 3 BETA
sshbbuatinternetblog - tidak terasa sudah v3 aja tapi perbedaan nya ngga jauh beda ya dijauhin aja letak nya wkokwakoa ..
mari kita simak fix dan update nya
Versi 3 BETA :
[+] Auto generator list --> one click / 100 accounts
[+] only set up for host mail.
[+] able to save your generate to .txt
[+] can stop generator if you dont need more accounts
[-] not tested.
so this time i need person who will make a report fot this tools hehe just like work or not ..
thanks for your attantion and make your free like wifi id hehee ..
Mirror Via MediaFire
Pass :
How To use :
1. Connect Connection
2. Open tools anda
Masukan Lisence Key |
3. Tentukan host mail / biarkan default
4. Klik 'Generate'
5. Finally , SAVE !
Per Generate akan menghasilkan 100 akun jika anda cuma butuh secukupnya langsung pencet ' Stop ' saja.
For Lisence : Please Leave Comment Your username or email
else contact me on